Digital Transformation

What is digital transformation?

digital transformation (digital transformation in English) This is the fact of using digital technologies (internet, mobile devices, software, algorithms, artificial intelligence, etc.) to create or modify business processes, the products and services it delivers and the experience of its customers and employees. In short, like Mr. Jourdain who did not know that he was writing prose, if you are a company in 2020+, you have surely started your digital transformation. Do you share a Google or Microsoft calendar? Do you use zoom for meetings? Do you send your marketing campaigns via MailChimp? you have started your “digital transformation”!

Using these platforms is just the tip of the iceberg, and the real value of digital transformation comes when technology helps you improve the value your products and services bring to your customers (connected objects , proactive and personalized services…)

Where to start your digital transformation?

Despite what vendors of SaaS platforms or solutions may tell you, technology is not the cornerstone of digital transformation.

You cannot automate what you do not control.

To be able to deploy an automatic workflow in Salesforce, ServiceNow, Hubspot or PowerAutomate, you must already have formalized the associated process within the company and determined its key performance indicators. This is why process management (what processes exist? who is responsible for them? is the process adopted by the employees? is it that it delivers the expected value? ) and data management (what data exists? where? how to interpret it? are- they reliable?) are 2 essential prerequisites for digital transformation.

Processes and data being types of knowledge to be managed, the following logic therefore follows:

The 3 Pillars of a successful digital transformation

How OptOp can help

I advise and guide you with

  • assessing digital transformation opportunities in your products, services and customer journey
  • setting up self-service portals for your customers
  • the automation of your processes
  • the creation of innovative digital services

Are you interested

If you are ready to get started or want to know more

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