Data Management

For almost 10 years now, we have been told that “Data is the oil of the 21st century” and that artificial intelligence will change our lives. This is surely true, but for this to become possible, as with oil, the data must be refined.

Everyone has access to some data and all your company’s software produces more everyday (ERP, CRM, web Analytics, CMS, HR systems, etc.). It is easy to use by the people who use this software on a daily basis, but it’s often much more complicated when another department or organisation needs this data.

The 3 most frequent problems within companies are therefore

  • Where can I find the data I need to solve my problem / make my decision / understand better a specific event
  • OK, now I have the data but I don’t understand anything about it. How to interpret it and connect it to my own data?
  • By the way, is this data reliable?

Data management is a knowledge management issue:
• Who has knowledge about this data?
• How to acquire and share knowledge on these data?
• How to maintain this knowledge when the data evolves?
• Is the knowledge that this data provides useful, reliable and easy to use?

It can be resolved in different ways depending on the complexity and size of your organization’s data:

  • The implementation of data governance processes
  • The creation of a data catalog
  • The implementation of data management processes associated with your company’s business processes
  • The establishment of a system of documentation and sharing of knowledge of the data

These last 2 options being the easiest to set up quickly and at a lower cost.

Once the data is accessible and documented, it is then easy for employees** and algorithms to use it to make decisions, automate tasks, control processes, personalize your customers’ experience…

How OptOp can help

I advise you and guide you around

  • the implementation of a management and documentation strategy for your data
  • educating your teams to understand and use data
  • identifying opportunities to improve your products, services and processes using your data.

Can’t find your way around your data?

You are not alone ! I can help you see things more clearly.

Contact me